Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Online medicines: do you really know what you are buying? (2016)

Communication campaign of the European Fakeshare project (I and II) - 'Online medicines: do you really know what you are buying?'

Falsified medicines represent to date one of the main threats to safety and public health. More and more sophisticated falsification techniques and an increasingly organized pharmaceutical crime require a global strategy, at both European and international level, to prevent the risk of falsified drugs reaching patients.

Dangerous medicines are sold through various distribution channels and, in particular, through the Internet, which is currently used by both private individuals and unauthorized "intermediaries" who buy drugs online and then resell them in the local area (sex shops or gyms). These are two faces of the same problem, requiring a common strategy and different tools. The activities carried out within the Fakeshare II project and those already performed during the Fakeshare (I) project - both co-financed by the European Commission’s program 'Prevention and fight against crime'- aim at developing a structured system to share information on illegal online pharmacies and, more generally, on pharmaceutical crime cases.

The public area of ​​the Project website is constantly updated through the publication of news, documents, insights on cases of interest and ad hoc communication materials, to raise awareness among consumers on the risks associated with the purchase of drugs through unauthorized channels, in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2011/62/EU.

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